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China will enter the stage of rapid development of intelligent industrial equipment


       Intelligent industrial equipment has become the basis for the upgrading and transformation of the global manufacturing industry. Developed countries have regarded manufacturing upgrading as the primary task of the "third industrial revolution." The "re-industrialization" of the United States, the "Industry 4.0" and "Connected Factory" strategies of Germany, and the transformation of manufacturing industries in Japan and South Korea are not simply the return of traditional manufacturing, but accompanied by the improvement of production efficiency and the innovation of production models. And the development of emerging industries.

       In the past ten years, China has experienced rough development marked by the rapid development of construction machinery. In the next decade, China will enter the stage of intensive development and manufacturing transformation and upgrading marked by the rapid development of intelligent industrial equipment. Compared with the early stage of the development of construction machinery, foreign brands in the industrial intelligence industry will pay more attention to domestic enterprises, and system integration will become the entry point for domestic enterprises. At present, China's industrial intelligent industrial chain is gradually improving, and the enterprise development model is gradually becoming clear. With the adjustment of China's labor structure and industrial structure, intelligent equipment with sensing, analysis, reasoning, decision-making, and control functions will become the main force of the "third industrial revolution."

The rise of "re-industrialization" in developed countries

The first industrial revolution was the replacement of manpower by machinery, the second industrial revolution was the replacement of manual, and the third industrial revolution was the upgrade from automation to intelligence. At present, the industries of developed countries such as Europe, America and Japan have entered the era of intelligence. And industrial automation technology is developing towards intelligence, networking and integration.

以来 Since the end of 2012, the United States and other developed countries have seen a wave of "re-industrialization" in the development of manufacturing, which has been called the signal of the third industrial revolution in the industry.

Previously, the United States and other developed countries placed the low-end part of their manufacturing industries in developing countries, commonly known as foundry business. Depending on the high profits of finished products, developed countries enjoy the apex of the wealth pyramid.

As labor costs and management costs in developing countries continue to rise, in December 2012, Apple CEO Cook announced that he would return some of Apple ’s production lines to the United States. One after another joined the backflow, and one after another moved production lines back to the United States. This all stems from the new strategy of American manufacturing— "reindustrialization."

The reindustrialization of the United States coincides with the vision of the third industrial revolution. It is generally believed that the re-industrialization of the United States is by no means a return of the manufacturing industry in the traditional sense, which will lead to a new mode of production, and that smart devices with customized features will be widely used.

制度 In the process of re-industrialization, institutional innovation and technological innovation are intertwined. Institutional innovation is driven by the government, and technological innovation is driven by emerging industries. In the development of emerging industries, high-end manufacturing equipment has become the primary task of innovation.

3In March 2012, Obama proposed to invest US $ 1 billion to create 15 “National Manufacturing Innovation Center Networks” plan to revive the competitiveness of American manufacturing. In January 2013, the Office of the President of the United States, the National Science and Technology Commission, and the National Office of Advanced Manufacturing Projects jointly issued the "Plan for the Development of the Manufacturing Innovation Center Network." Since August 2012, the United States has established four manufacturing innovation centers. The related technologies and industries involved in these centers are expected to become the development direction of the future manufacturing industry.

German government proposed high-tech strategy of "Industry 4.0" and "Connected Factory". "Industry 4.0" was first proposed by three university professors at the Hannover Fair 2011. The national economy of manufacturing in Germany accounts for 26%. As a strategic development direction for upgrading traditional manufacturing, the 112-page implementation proposal was submitted by the project research team to the German Federal Government in October 2012. This project is led by the Ministry of Education, Research, and Economics. And the Ministry of the Interior, 200 million euros have been allocated as a first step in research and development. The “connected factory” connects the factory with things and services inside and outside the factory through communication networks such as the Internet to build a new business model.

In addition, Japan is devoted to researching artificial intelligence, solving labor gaps and supporting future industrial intelligence. As the world's earliest aging country, the technology that Japan is devoted to researching is the artificial intelligence industry. The first application field is the industrialized production line.

Japan's industrial robot industry has popularized the first and second types of industrial robots as early as the 1990s, and has now achieved world-renowned achievements in the development of third and fourth types of industrial robots. Japan hopes to use its high investment in the industry to solve the problem of labor fragmentation, reduce high labor costs, and support future industrial intelligence. At the same time, the government has implemented a number of supporting policies for related robot manufacturing enterprises, including preferential taxation, preferential loans, and tax reduction.

核心 The core technology of domestic manufacturers needs to be broken

The signals of the industrial revolution in developed countries such as Germany, Germany, and Japan have sounded alarm bells for Chinese manufacturing. The adjustment of China's economic and industrial structure, rising labor costs, declining labor supply, and national policy support are helping to promote the rapid growth of the industrial intelligent industry. Intelligent equipment with customized features will promote the transformation of China's manufacturing industry.

In the past ten years, benefiting from the era of investment and mechanization of engineering construction, this is the era of great development of China's engineering machinery industry. In the next ten years or even longer, China will usher in a new round of human replacement, namely industrial intelligence, and industrial intelligent equipment will usher in spring.

According to IFR statistics, in 2012 China's industrial robot installed capacity reached 27,000 units, an increase of 19.5% year-on-year, accounting for 14.8% of the world's industrial robot installed capacity, second only to Japan in the world. In 2012, the industrial robot body market was about 4.8 billion yuan, and the system integrated industrial robot market capacity was about 19.2 billion yuan. In 2012, the domestic industrial robot stock exceeded 100,000 units, accounting for 8% of the world's stock, second only to Japan, the United States, Germany, and South Korea. Before 2009, the annual installed capacity of China's industrial robots was less than 10,000, and almost all of them came from foreign brands, and the industry was in the introduction period. After 2010, China's industrial robot industry has entered a period of rapid growth.

However, from the perspective of global robot density, although China is a large manufacturing country, the average number of robots per 10,000 people is only 21 units, which is lower than the global average of 55 units per 10,000 people, and far lower than Japan and South Korea ’s mature robot markets The future market development space is still huge. We estimate that the average annual growth rate of the industry before 2020 can reach 20% -30%, and the industrial robot market size can reach more than 100 billion in 2020.

比较 Through comparison, we find that the current intelligent equipment has a lot in common with the early stage of the development of construction machinery ten years ago. Both of them face broad development space, but they also have similar development difficulties, and opportunities and challenges coexist.

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