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Only I can't think of it, but I can't do it.


       With a hint of suspicion and a little anticipation, I entered the beautiful century-old special training camp base --- Yuanshan Scenic Area, and started a two-day and one-night expansion experience.

After 2 days of spiritual baptism and shock, I felt the beauty and ugliness of human nature, realized my own shortcomings, and discovered the shining points of my partners. The first trace of suspicion disappeared, and only shock and shame were replaced!

Impressive features such as the outstanding Captain Eagle, the flag-bearing flag-bearer Swallow, the Hornet, tearful, captain of the Lightning Captain, the crying Phoenix, the grid, the smurfs, the lark, the clumsy but The Timberwolves, the exaggerated Chang'e, have conflicting but obedient orders, the simple Yangtze River. . . . . .


Every comrade-in-arms flashed in their minds. After 2 days of training, they got unprecedented passion and improved their self-confidence. Everyone understands: there is no impossible, only impossible to think, impossible to do!

At the beginning of the first training, the first sentence of the camel instructor is that here is not success, but failure, which is not to be taken seriously, but as each project progresses, one feels one after another failure, and frustrations follow. Come, but everyone has a spirit, more and more frustration, repeated defeats, and finally all over the graduation wall.

The thought of military posture training made me understand that I must follow the rules of the game.

The pre-dinner talk is about observing discipline and leading by example, and a team must share the same honour and shame.

The T word game made me understand the moment when the eyes are high and the hands are low. It made me understand that instead of admiring fish in Yuanyuan, it is better to retreat and move the net.

Trust back explains the true meaning of trust. It is impossible to imagine how we can move forward without trust.

The common advancement and retreat tells us that it is not spring that a lone show is full of spring. It is better to be hard-working than to be smart and hard-working. One person is more capable than collective power.

The situation of the Warring States Period made us feel ashamed. The selfish greed of humanity destroys not only ourselves, but also the interests of the group. The role of the leader is very important. What is needed is to raise our arms, gather together, reasonably allocate resources, and listen to command in all actions. Achieve greater results;

The long journey of life tells us not to complain about the present, to be grateful for what we have, to those who have helped us in our adversity in life, to grow up, to cherish the present in order to imagine the future;

The philosophy of crossing the power grid lies in telling us to dare to abandon, to abandon all the cumbersome, selfish, and self-respecting mentalities, the details of which determine success or failure, before we can go lightly and go forward;

Rescuing hostages is 99 perfect flaws that can't resist once, life hasn't come back, and you must be happy when you win, and be happy when you lose, you must be the last to laugh, the sweetest laugh; Have responsibility, have a sense of responsibility.

A piece of A4 paper without a tool to tear out a circle that can hold at least 5 people, the first reaction is how is this possible? The fact tells us that there is no impossible, only unexpected, not impossible;

Unity is strength, persistence is victory-graduation wall.

Every project is inseparable from the cooperation of the team and the most basic PDCA cycle in enterprise management. In the past, I always felt that the plan was almost enough, and the implementation was almost enough. As for review and improvement, it was so careless. In the end, I worked hard and passed the difficulties. In a word, this is not possible, it is impossible, there is no way, the days are passing by like this, we are stunned by the years, and of course, the years will not give us a thick report, and finally we lament that we are not pregnant and complain about the boss, Friends are unkind to us without realizing what they did and paid for?

This expansion is really shocking. Do we pay 100% for our work? Is it 100% invested? The answer is obvious, so we are brave and brave, and fully stimulate our potential. The future is unpredictable, and the vast world is still very promising!

Failure, but it brings us positive energy again and again. I believe that as long as we have more positive energy in our lives and work positively, what else is impossible and what difficulties are difficult to get. Remember: I can do it. Yes, we can! Then we will be better tomorrow!

Trivia: 1 At the graduation wall, when the instructor poured water, the idea of the staircase bumblebee was someone peeing, it was a wonderful idea, he said: At the time, whether it was urine, but I could n’t retreat, if I Retreat, the team failed! I really think, and I dare to think, haha!


2 It's hard to imagine me and the Yangtze River and the Timberwolves smokers can tolerate smoking for such a long time, which is beyond my imagination. . . . . . Really nothing is impossible, it depends on whether you want to do it!

3 The Timber Wolf crotch opened in the long journey of life, but still insist on the complete process, like one!

4 I ate 5 steamed buns in one breath, and I was not full enough, and my sweat was ticking (I'm sorry, I have never eaten so). . . . .

5 Thanks very much for our instructor camel, kelp and sea treasure, gentle and stern, handsome and capable, and strict and humorous. . . . . . (I pray not to meet the "perverted" instructor before participating in the training.

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